Blue Ridge Premier Medicine offers you unparalleled access to your physician. Our belief is that personalized care need only be a phone call or appointment away.

- The foundation of your care is established with your annual comprehensive physical examination. Your physician will prepare for this visit by reviewing your medical records and laboratory data. At this two to three hour visit, your physician will review all of your active medical problems, make an individualized plan for preventive health testing, and offer suggestions for lifestyle improvement.
- Your physician will see you as frequently as you need to achieve your health goals.
- Urgent problems will be dealt with quickly, before they become larger concerns.
- BRPM has in-office capability to take x-rays, administer I.V. fluids and medications, and repair minor lacerations, often eliminating the nightmare of an urgent care or emergency room visit.
- In the event you do require emergency care, we will work with the emergency department staff in the hospital.
- In the event you require hospitalization, we will be with you every step of the way, serving as your attending physicians at Mission Hospital, a nationally recognized referral hospital system.
- We make daily visits while we coordinate your consultants, diagnostic testing, and treatments.
- We can arrange for direct admissions to bypass the E.R. when appropriate.
- We will coordinate transfers to or from other hospitals or nursing facilities as well as all aspects of follow-up, home health, and additional therapies as needed.
- If you need rehabilitation services at Givens or Deerfield nursing care facilities, we will follow you there whenever possible, participating in your care or coordinating with the on-site physicians.
- We will advise you when you're traveling by ensuring you are properly immunized, helping you prepare a personal medical travel kit, calling in prescriptions, or directing you to the closest medical care facility within the U.S.
We strive to attend to issues before they become more serious and impact your work or lifestyle. When health problems do arise, your doctor will be available to you, seeing you promptly in our office, the emergency room, or the hospital. Your physician has the time and expertise necessary to fully research your condition, advise you on the latest available treatment options, and facilitate any referrals to Asheville's superb subspecialty community. If your condition requires referral to an academic center for evaluation (rare diseases, experimental therapies, transplant evaluations, etc.), your physician will help you choose the best center and make arrangements as with any other specialist referral.
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